Thursday, January 31, 2008

snow day??!!

so only here in the great state of tennessee do the kiddos get a snow day for a day with absolutely no snow. i was woken up this morning at 5:45 to the automated school call, and it was a 2 hr. delay b/c snow MIGHT be coming. oh boy. they called again about 2 hrs later saying they had now decided to close schools b/c the western part of the county MAY be getting freezing rain. it did sleet here for 2 minutes, and last i checked it was already around 40. oh well. the kiddos are enjoying a free day, and hello kitty girl told me that i was the best mom ever b/c there was no school today. so i'll take what i can get!!
on a decluttering note, i finally hauled several bags of stuff to goodwill today. yeah!
i have had the bags here for a while, and even though goodwill is so close by, it still took me a while. that's the procrastinator in me!!
nothing else noteworthy at the moment!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

rainy day, good day to eat cookies!!!!!!

okay, so i'll probably mention food all the time. sorry, i'm kind of a foodie. heard a word the other day, not sure whether or not to be grossed out, but it's food porn. not porn where people are eating, just a term to describe really decadent food. understandable, i guess. weird phrase, though.
so yesterday i am sitting in my house looking out at the house that had caught fire earlier in the day, and watching the owners board up the windows and doing stuff like that. my heart was just breaking for them, and i wanted to do something (other than dog sit for 30 mins, which wasn't long enough, i was having fun with the pup). so i baked my special homemade chocolate chip cookies. it's a new recipe i found, and now i think i'll never make another kind again. so anyway, i go to put the first batch in the oven, and look out the window, and there drive away every last car that was there. so now here i sit with an entire batch. crap. i have controlled myself, but i certainly do NOT need a batch of yummy cookies staring at me. and its raining, so good comfort food day. i think i will send them to work w/hubby tomorrow.
went to the dr. today about this damn headache, mind you its been 10 days. ughhh. he wants me to try antibiotics, hoping its just a sinus infection. if that doesn't help, then i'm looking at going for a catscan(probably not how its spelled, isn't it ct scan?)anyway. here's to hoping the meds work.
john deere boy had pj day at school, loser mom forgot and had him all dressed (we were finally going to be on time for the first time EVER today)and a friend called to remind me about pj day. crap. oh well! changed him and sent him off. he had a ball, they do a bear hunt using flashlights. very fun stuff.
hello kitty girl has homework to do, and is stalling in her favorite room - you guessed it - the potty. she sits there with a notebook and markers and wonders later why the ring around the hiney. funny kid. i guess i should go, time to be the homework police. have i mentioned that 1st grade homework is a lot more involved than i could have imagined? i'm screwed when we hit middle school!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

starting a blog.....

so i finally decided to start a blog. i've been checking out lots of blogs about food lately, and most of them about cupcakes. oh, and one about running, but SOMEONE doesn't update it often. this means you, mecky!! i like reading my friends blogs, its kinda nice to know whats going on in their lives when i'm not able to talk to them on as regular of a basis as i'd like to.
most of you know that i REALLY like all things cupcakes, thus the name cupcake mom. i like to make them, look at them , decorate them, and most of all, eat them. i also have a small obsession with sprinkles to top them, i seem to have a rather large collection of them. no shortage of sugar in this house, i must say!!! my family and friends are my test subjects, but usually i get no objections, after all, who in their right mind turns down a cupcake?!!
i have to brag, i finally made actual cake from scratch the other day, i used a paula deen recipe for 1234 cake, and wow, what a difference it makes. i may never want to use boxed cake mix again. well, except for the part where you have to mix it for 6 minutes with an electric blender. my arm was a little sore! and six minutes kind of drags on (do not look at the clock when you do this, it will take longer!!!)
so anyway, here's to my new venture. happy blogging to me!!
hugs and chocolate kisses to all!!