Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy heart day!!

i started the day off on the treadmill, good for my heart, right? well it was til hello kitty girl decided to walk by the treadmill and wasn't paying attention and walked into the back end of it as i was going full speed. so she trips and falls and starts screaming and grabbing her knee. so i fly off the treadmill (while its going full speed) to see if she's okay. turns out she just whacked her knee (probably will leave a good bruise) but nothing broken. meanwhile my heart is beating out of my chest from being in the middle of a good workout, and from being terrified that she broke something. took me a while to calm down this morning. trying to find my happy place....
its off to valentine parties for me today, one for each kiddo. i made the cutest mini cupcakes for hello kitty girls class and some cute frosted sugar cookies for john deere boys class. oh the sugar is in the air today!!!!!
i went to publix this morning to pick up our steaks for dinner, and its just kinda cute seeing all the guys in there (who obviously don't regularly shop) picking up flowers and such for their honeys. being such a foodie, i think i'd rather something food related, particularly baking or cupcake related..... but i do love flowers, they are beautiful. (you just can't eat them!!)
hope you all have a wonderful valentines day!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

the approaching holiday....

so valentines day is rapidly approaching. what's everyone up to for that day? us old married folk (still can't believe its been 13 years....) will be staying in. most likely we'll grill some steaks, have some good wine and i'm still working out the dessert part. i'll probably go pick up something from this new place (well, not new, but new discovery for me) called the puffy muffin. its a very southern girly-girl luncheon/bakery place. i was there last week with my foodie friend, and their bakery section had us swooning. so i figured i'd break down and treat us to a few decadent bakery treats for the night. i'll let you know what i got and how it was. i have a feeling it'll be hard to decide.
i'm in charge of baking cupcakes for hello kitty girl's class for their valentines party (it pays to be pals w/ the room mom, i always get first dibs on what i bring for the parties. i don't want to be stuck bringing paper plates or chips (although that would be easier, but it gives me an excuse to bake!). i'm thinking vanilla cupcakes with pink icing and i've got these cool sprinkles with red hearts. i've gotten into making mini cupcakes for the kiddos, they just want the frosting anyway, and i don't get my feelings hurt when they throw away the rest of it that way.
for john deere's class, they don't allow cupcakes (too messy, so they say..) so it'll probably be frosted sugar cookies. yum.
so i've got some baking to do!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

embarrasing things..

i was just reading one of my favorite blogs, the she had a thing on most embarrasing moments. hilarious to read what people wrote in. so here are a few of mine, i challenge you to reply with some of your own!!!
1. i had just gotten my license and was driving down main street, looking soooo cool, waving to people as i was going. thought i was hot stuff b/c everyone was staring at me. turns out they were staring b/c i was driving down the WRONG side of the street.
2. i was working in a small grocery store in high school, and was helping out in the meat department. i had the lovely job of taking frozen chicken wings and putting 10 or so into a bag and sealing it. i did it in record time, was very proud. til i went to wash my hands and realized my band-aid was gone. why the big deal? i had recently had a wart frozen off and was waiting for it to fall of. so gone was my band-aid AND my wart. no one called to complain that they got something extra in their pack of chicken!!!! EWWWW!
i could go on, i do lots of strange things, but let's see what you guys have.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

tornadoes, or what makes me nervous about living here!!

so we are under a tornado warning. meaning one could drop out of the sky anytime now. been watching the weather, the worst is up to the northwest of us, just missing it by a little bit. i guess that's the price we pay for a really warm day (70)!!
this crap is supposed to continue for most of the night. so that translates into not much sleep. that does not make me a happy camper.
i had my 1 month checkup after lasik today, i passed with flying colors. it is still so amazing to me to not have to put on glasses. kinda miss those buggers every once in a while, but i'm getting over that!
i'm having a valentines party here on friday for playgroup. just trying to decide what to make is driving me nuts. it'll probably be cupcakes, but i am really thinking about some cute heart shaped sugar cookies (with frosting and sprinkles!). i just love sugaring up those kids and sending them home!! although us moms eat more sugar than they do- scary!!
i'm also needing to bring dinner thursday to a friend who just got out of the hospital today, she had pulmonary embollisms (spelling, meck?) in both lungs. scary. she's only 40. apparently they have linked it to birth control pills (the whole blood clot risk scares me!)but she's doing better now.
well, off to watch my new favorite stupid (and i mean stupid) show, the family guy. makes me laugh, not sure why!

Saturday, February 2, 2008


so our internet got knocked out after a storm a few nights ago. hubby said something about a router. i'm so not computer savvy, i just wanted it fixed. so its fixed but now not hooked up to the printer. oh well, i'll take what i can get. our weather has been freakish, very cold, then very warm. so that's when we get these storms. the one the other night had winds up to 70mph. so we lost power for an hour, kinda neat but glad it went back on so quickly.
weather like this also brings on the sniffles and well, seems like we're all snotted up. fun. i think my red chapped nose makes me look sexy.........
not doing much for superbowl tomorrow, the in-laws are coming over to watch and we'll eat some stuff and drink some favorite part is the commercials! i'm hoping for some good ones. trying to decide what to make for dessert, i think i have settled on tiny brownie sundaes.
i'll make brownies in mini muffin tins, serve them warm topped with vanilla bean ice cream, and of course hot fudge. (and sprinkles!)
its been warm today, so i've grilled some steaks, i'm letting them rest right now (its always hard to wait the 15 minutes, but it makes such a difference). add some olive oil and rosemary potatoes and green beans, and voila, yummy dinner. (mac'n cheese for kiddos - that stuff in the blue box is so nasty but they love it.....)