Thursday, March 27, 2008


so now i think i am being roped into being on the board of the pto (parent teacher association).
one of my best friends is thinking of running for president (unopposed, actually). the weird thing is that they cannot get anyone to volunteer at all this year for the pto. and if there wasn't a pto, we'd lose a lot of cool programs for the kids. so after much pleading from the soon to be former pto, a group of us is thinking of stepping up to help out. i think i'd actually be doing the secretary bit. we'll see! i'm not sure if i'm excited or nervous, probably more along the lines of what the hell am i getting myself into. but i have always wanted to get more involved at the school, guess here's one way to do it!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

sneaking candy...

i dropped john deere boy at school today and came home to clean up a bit. i was walking by the front door and spied something shiny behind the curtain near the was a nice little pile of easter hershey kiss wrappers. i'm guessing he was hiding there eating candy this morning while i was in the shower! i only wish i could have seen him, it would've been hilarious!
i treated myself to a massage today at the chiropractor. i've been having trouble w/my asthma and its been stressing me out. so after waking up with a tense neck and a kink in my back, i decided i'd better do something. it was wonderful! the only bad part is it was 10 in the morning and i felt like it was bedtime all day. very relaxing, almost too relaxing........
easter was good, ate too much and am really tempted to throw away most of this candy. which is weird b/c most of it is chocolate, and i HATE to waste chocolate! i think with all of the holidays so close together, i just am kind of over all of that. no more holidays til mothers day for me! hooray!
now that the weather is warming up, i'm trying to focus on eating a bit healthier. its good to see some decent looking veggies and fruits starting to pop up at the grocery. i'm a big salad person, just give me a big old salad and i'm a happy camper. especially with feta cheese and kalatma olives......mmm...
we are going to try some small container gardens this year, the kiddos are excited about it. the easter bunny gave them some garden gloves and some flower seeds and peat pots. they are growing mini sunflowers and zinnias and snapdragons in my dining room window right now, very exciting! we've tried larger gardens in the past and they end up full of weeds before i can even blink!
plus, with the drought we had last year, i don't want to have to sneak water to my plants.
megan, do you have any suggestions for veggies (or flowers)that grow good in small areas?
it is supposed to be in the mid 70's here tomorrow, woohooo! i'm so happy spring is here. it'll be hotter than anything before we know it, so i'm trying to savor the mild weather.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

i've been tagged!!!!!!

okay, i've never done this before, but here goes 10 random things about me (sorry if they're not very interesting!!)
1. i really love cupcakes. all things cupcakes. mecky, remember those pj's i bought in denver with cupcakes on them?
2. i drive a minivan and am proud of it. although if someone wanted to give me a bmw suv thing, i'd be a happy camper........
3. i was not even of legal drinking age when i married my sweet hubby!
4. i have a birthmark on my boob. (sorry)
5. i like tim mcgraw, he's my secret country star crush. and he lives not too far from here!
6. i love to check out all the time. makes me wish i lived in the country instead of here in subdivision land.
7. i hate to exercise. but i do it anyway to keep me sane. and so i can eat what i like.
8. i have the cutest kiddos in the world (just a little biased here).
9. i absolutely love to yard sale. in fact i think i go through a bit of withdrawl when its not yard sale season.
10. for a yankee girl, i sure can make a mean sweet potato casserole. i heart southern food! (but i do miss good pizza!!!!!)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

spring is near, i can feel it!!!!!!!

what an awesome day, it was in the low 70's here today. got lots done outside, we washed and de-crusted the cars (my car is always a project, you never know what you find when you have kiddos!) nothing too scary in there today, some old popcorn kernels (love target, a dollar for a popcorn and a drink keep john deere boy happy, we could shop all day as long as his bag is full!).
put the kiddos to bed and got lots cleaned inside. I'm done w/spring cleaning now. good thing too, b/c tomorrow evening we're supposed to get more storms and it'll cool down too. only gonna be in the 40's on tuesday! welcome to tornado season in tennessee!!! you know if we get an unseasonably nice day, there's always a price to pay.
we grilled out today, i picked up some nice new york strip steaks from publix today, and they turned out great! yum yum!!! i so can't wait til grill out season. i have this awesome marinade that i love on everything, its called papa demos. its a greek marinade that i can't get here at the store, i have to order it online by the case. if you ever run across it, you've gotta try it!
(mecky, i know you've had it here before, in fact i think we first tried it when you lived here the first time!)
well, i survived the first major pto thing i helped out with at the school, i was actually on the auction committee as the volunteer coordinator. which actually translates to do anything and everything you can b/c no one else shows up to volunteer. i was slopping chili, serving water logged hot dogs (eewwwwwww!)helping w/the auction and stuff like that. it was lots of fun! til they asked if a friend and i were interested in running for president of the pto. ummmm, NOOOOOOO!! fun to help, not fun to be in charge.
not much else exciting going on here, hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!!!