Sunday, March 23, 2008

i've been tagged!!!!!!

okay, i've never done this before, but here goes 10 random things about me (sorry if they're not very interesting!!)
1. i really love cupcakes. all things cupcakes. mecky, remember those pj's i bought in denver with cupcakes on them?
2. i drive a minivan and am proud of it. although if someone wanted to give me a bmw suv thing, i'd be a happy camper........
3. i was not even of legal drinking age when i married my sweet hubby!
4. i have a birthmark on my boob. (sorry)
5. i like tim mcgraw, he's my secret country star crush. and he lives not too far from here!
6. i love to check out all the time. makes me wish i lived in the country instead of here in subdivision land.
7. i hate to exercise. but i do it anyway to keep me sane. and so i can eat what i like.
8. i have the cutest kiddos in the world (just a little biased here).
9. i absolutely love to yard sale. in fact i think i go through a bit of withdrawl when its not yard sale season.
10. for a yankee girl, i sure can make a mean sweet potato casserole. i heart southern food! (but i do miss good pizza!!!!!)

1 comment:

Becca said...

I do 'member the pj's...what I find interesting is that for all the years I've known you?, I didn't know you had a cupcake obsession! Baking, yes, but not specifically cupcakes! =)